When it comes to what social media websites will best benefit business owners, there are a few things that need to be considered.

The number one piece of information we should be looking at is, who is the type of person that would be looking for your business service or the information you provide?
What is the average age? What is the average gender? What is their average form of communication?
For this information it is really important to know the demographics of your target market. We can find that information by easily heading to a top website in your niche and then place the web address into a website called Alexa.com.
This particular site is an offshoot of Amazon but when you scroll through the information provided it will give you those exact pieces of information that will help determine which social media websites will work the best for what social media sites you should pay the most attention to.
Ok let’s now assume that you have done the following steps and you now are able to look into what your customer’s similar traits are.
Next we take that information and head on over to the social media websites that will fit our target audience the best.
We will now go into listing what social media websites for business you need to be getting active in along with the listing of demographics they serve the best.
Oh and just because I love my readership so much I will have some hacks, tips and tricks to along with the general information that will help you optimize your profiles and gain more exposure to your website and business.
Pintrest is a great website based mainly on profiles posting enticing and high definition pictures of different food or dessert dishes along with do it yourself crafts.
Inspirational quotes do well here and also funny but light hearted memes get a fair amount of attention. Their biggest subscribers just happen to be woman also.
This is a big arena for fitness and health also.
While we are speaking about Pinterest as good social media site for business, let me get into a few tips and tricks.
- You need to create your pins by using a great and free software tool called Canva.com. You can clink that link or head over to my resources page to get you there.
- Join group boards in order to gain traction for your pin boards in the beginning. Simply find the group that’s getting the most re-shares listed on a website called pingroupie.com and contact the owner of the group after liking some pins.
- Create pins that are taller than wider. Picture a rectangle standing on edge. These seem to do better I guess for mobile then the normal square pictures
- SEO optimize your profile and pins to correlate with your keywords you are trying to rank for in Pinterest.
So there are four tips that will get you going if you happen to have a mainly woman based customer profile. My advice is to just sign up to this obviously social media website made for business and look at what is trending and getting re-shared.
Go deep and get analytical by looking at every piece of readily available information and use that to your advantage.
Alright let’s talk about the king of all video and the absolute best way a business can get in front of the market online and that is YouTube. This is the second largest search engine on the planet as it gets 5 billion views a day.
Let Me Repeat That As YouTube Gets Five Billion Views In A Single Day!
That is some power that needs to be tapped into. Now I know what you might be thinking and it is valid if you don’t want to get all bubbly and in front of a camera like the people your children may watch but the potential for getting in front of your target market is literally zero, how can you pass it up?
Like I have mentioned before if you don’t want to get in front of the camera then head to my business resources page and click on the Fiverr or Konker links to get videos made for you that are of good quality and comparatively cheap in regards to going to an actual videographer.
With that said let us get into the YouTube Tips that will grow your business.
- When you make your video and have not uploaded it yet, change the name to what you want to name it on your tube. This helps by giving more relevance to the video because the “hard file” has the correct name.
- If you are a local business and are looking to rank for a specific location, head into the advanced settings where you are uploading and click on the locations tab on the right side of the screen. Move the dial a little to get an exact location or simply type in the business address to get the GPS coordinates.
- Create original thumbnails and a good looking wallpaper at Canva.com to stand out from the competition. Another great tip that I came across is when you are editing the thumbnail pictures increase the sharpness on the picture to get that crisp clean look.
Even using pictures and a video editing software to put together a sort of slide show can get you phone calls to your business. As an example of how this can be done is a channel called Beaverton Probate where I did that only with pictures and Royalty Free music which you can find Purple Planet.com or Bensound.com just to name a few.
Alright let’s talk about one more social property that businesses can utilize for gaining traffic and exposure. And remember these are just my own suggestions and are for general use. If you have some type of sub niche that may gain traction on any of the other social websites out there then I say go for it.
My final suggestion would be LinkedIn. This is a hub for professionals and it would serve you wisely to come and at least do a little research on the personas of your clients.
Often times we get blinded by our own industry that we do not look at where our client base hangs out. For me I was always joining SEO groups and posting content and I wondered why nothing was coming from it…
It was only after I began to dig a little deeper that I realized I needed to join small business groups and webmaster groups to partner up with complimentary businesses.
Now let’s get into some LinkedIn Tips that you can implement as soon as you’re done reading this post!
- Learn How To Export Your Contacts Lists. This can be done by simply heading to your privacy settings and requesting your data file. From here a link will be sent to your login email and you can download the zip file.
Open the file and you will see the contacts file and the spreadsheet has emails and all pertinent information.
- Search The Whole Network and whittle down the people you want to connect with. Type into a normal browser http://bit.ly/alumniskills3 from here you have access to the whole network!
The main point that I am trying to make is you need to have a social media presence but do your research on which ones you need to focus on.
Let’s Continue on…
If you have read some of my other articles, you would see that I show you a place where you can grab a whole bunch of social profiles that you can use. You can also head to my resources page to find links to helpful websites.
Many times businesses will put up a few of these social media websites, put up a post and leave them. That is not what we are going to do. Because I have a great amount of experience with SEO, we are going to do a whole lot more with these social media websites that you can use to increase your business and exposure.
So how would we go about doing this you may be asking? Well just relax and keep reading on and we will get through this together.
Social media properties hold a ton of trust with Google and that is one of the main reasons why you may often hear that you should be placing a link to your main website on these social websites.
The thinking behind this action is that Google will recognize the links coming from those authority sites and they will raise your rankings eventually in the search engines.
The problem with this is that your social media properties are not linked to any other websites so they have very little authority themselves. But we will fix that.
This is where you may need to hire your niece or nephew to go through your social media properties that are all connected to your website and have them start following or becoming friends with only niche or geographically related accounts.
This may take some time but it will be worth it as it will do much more then build you strong links. Because what I am about at this website is providing information in good chunks for businesses on and offline.
So while your niece or nephew is building these relationships on these social sites I would advise you at the end of each week to contact at least 5 or 10 of your new contacts and try to form a partnership with them.
Also a great method for doing this the right way is to instruct whoever is doing the work or even yourself to watch a video explaining how to get this activity done.
We can also speak about another method that can be used to “juice” these properties up. You will have to walk a fine line when doing this method as we will be buying links from one of the services that you would find at my resources page.
A lot of times people will go to these sites and buy services for something like 30,000 links for $5. I don’t know about you but I would not trust those links and most likely there are spammy links from China or Russia.
Now I’m no

Not all these links are so spam filled but I would advise you to only use the links from the most highly rated sellers. In most cases you can click on a sidebar link and switch to this view Go through and see which ones you trust. Have a look at the screenshot below to see what I’m talking about.
The type of links you are going to want to purchase are going to be no more than 100 in the beginning and you should have around 2-3 posts on your social properties and be about a month old.
I would not mess with any .edu or .gov links for now as you are just getting started. Next do not get and PBN links as your properties are still to new.
Pick one and send the links to your homepage or your profile page. Combine this with the before mentioned tactic of gaining followers and friends and you will have strong and juiced up social profiles in no time.
Then every once in a while head back and get some more links and continue to grab and contact more individuals or businesses that you share an interest with.
In around a year you could have a gigantic social media website that will be powering your business website and you can duplicate this over and over again.
The main reason for doing this is by building a huge social profile that will be able to power your website for years to come.
So to recap…you are going to want to find the top few websites in your niche then head over to Alexa.com to find out the demographics.
Once you have that information, look up which social media platform will most be related to your business. Next go through the steps I laid out for you to grow you social platform and begin contacting those other profiles.
Follow these tips and your social properties will be more beneficial to you in the long run and they won’t just be for show. Now if you like this post and want to learn more about internet marketing there is another great website that you should visit that has helped me out a ton.
Head back to my websites hompage